Saturday, July 10, 2010

k on a blogging spree now.. i just came back from driving late at night i.e. 1230am.. last night i drove at like 2.30am... tmr morning i'm going to drive at 5.30am.. i love driving late at night.. i love driving early in the morning when all the world is sleeping.. just now as i was driving, i turned on 92.4fm... listening to classical music, cruising down the road with little cars, it's such a nice drive.. it's really enjoyable.. next time when i'm married, and when i'm bored, i would like to just go out driving at 1am or sth.. just drive to some place.. park the car... relax... then drive home.. when i was a little kid, i like to follow my mom to pick up my dad from office at like 10pm. i would take my bolster and blanket into the car and lie down on the back seat.. if i have children next time which i hope i do, maybe they will like to do that also...

So as i was enjoying my drive just now, i reflected a bit and thought wow i really am very very blessed. i have been given so many things. for one, i have parents. i have a home to live. i have a nice home to live in. i have a maid at home to help me. my parents are so supportive of me. i have an education. i am more or less financially ok.. i have the liberty to go out at 11pm to play soccer, to go out at 12am for supper with friends. i am pretty slack, i can relax here and then. i have a great group of friends, i have a best friend. i don't have a girlfriend. (haha what a blessing) i know God, i have a purpose in life. I am loved, i feel loved. I really am very very blessed. Then i think, i have been given so much by God, what am i going to do about it? I can actually be greedy, unappreciative, complainy. I can say wa lao my results in med sch not that good, i dun have an iphone, i dun have my own car, my room is quite ugly, my house is quite ugly, i dun have enough jeans, dun have enough nice shoes, the lighting in my house sucks, i dun have enough money to spend, i dun get to travel as often as i like, the food at home is not nice, my church have so many problems, etc etc etc... or i could really open my eyes and see how blessed i am and then think what am i going to do with what i've been given. Stewardship is all about using what God has given you in a responsible and God-fearing way. To those who have been given much, much will be expected.. The question for me is, what am i going to do with all this blessings. Am i going to ignore them and demand more, chase after more? Or am i going to really open my eyes and look around me, and see how i can then bless others. Maybe God blessed us so that we can bless others. Even in Singapore, there are so many who are not that blessed. I immediately think of the foreign workers and domestic workers. I wanna bless them. I really want to. I want to really practise this stewardship. I wanna put it into actions and not merely in words.... How about you? have you considered how blessed you are? What are you doing with what God has given you. Are you perpetually complaining about not having enough? The truly rich are those who have little yet give. The truly poor are those who have a lot yet do not want to give..