i'm sorry i have no time to blog!!! ahhh if u kept coming here hoping to read something meaningful i'm sorry i've been so busy.... and i am still busy. in any case.. i've been thinking about blogging stuff for quite long but i'm so busy. i'll just have a quick one.
On courtship:
If you are a committed Christian, meaning, you wanna follow Jesus. Truly die to yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Christ. Not just like the sleeping sunday christian. Meaning, an authentic follower of Jesus Christ. Then, you should find someone who's not just a Christian, but a committed Christian. And i find this really good. Does your potential boyfriend/girlfriend love God more than he/she love you? If you all were to get married, and then you suddenly die, would he/she be able to go on, or would he/she crumble and just collapse and cannot go on and like whole life wrecked alr. Someone told me he finds it really attractive if the girl loves God more than she loves him. And i agree. i would like such a girl. Meaning the girl truly loves God and puts God first. If you like someone now, or if you're thinking about dating someone that kinda stuff. Ask yourself, do you love God more than him/her? And ask yourself, does he/she love God more than you?
If he/she does, then it seems like everything else will fall into place. You will both choose to honour Him in your lives, and be able to honour one another too.. All other questions about whether should date now, should date later, should go out or not, should not go out, can we do this can we do that should be clearer... I think la..