Friday, July 9, 2010

I really really like this NDP song! As i was watching this, i really felt like a bit emotional during the starting part. I remember my primary school days, going for music classes by Mr Chew, who got so pissed with us he banged the piano haha. Then i remember going to sch, taking the bus home.. Hanging out with my friends around the neighbourhood. All these little seemingly insignificant events all culminating and making me the person I am today. I am also quite heartened by the multiracialism i see in Singapore. I actually believe Singapore is quite a multiracial place. We don't discriminate against races here. I mean there's always bound to be some form of racism, but broadly speaking, we are quite multiracial, and we see ourselves as multiracial. The scenes depicted in the video aren't unnatural. If we were to see them in our community, it would be natural. Like seeing the different races in HDB communities and stuff. We are really quite a multiracial place i feel. (although some might disagree, but then again those people seem to disagree with every good thing in singapore) Another place that displays multiracialism is the Hospitals. In our hospitals, i see chinese, malay, indian, fillipino nurses all coming together and really having a strong camaraderie, however u spell that word. They help each other, joke with one another, go out together.. I really like that. it's uniquely Singapore.

Whatever it is and whatever some people have said about Singapore, I believe it truly is a wonderful place... You can go on and on about the government, but seriously we have one of the best governments in the world la. Our transport is power, healthcare is definitely one of the best in the world, education is really not bad even though could be more broad based, economy is very good. Singapore is really not bad lor. I really love Singapore!!