I was watching this hillsong video and in there someone said sth that struck me.
"Everybody can talk, talk is cheap. You think that all the authority and and all the preaching must come from the pulpit. That is not true! It comes from the life of those who choose to follow Jesus Christ."
It's true man. Perhaps that's one of the big things that plague the modern church. Too much talk with too little application.
What then is needed? Prayer? Worship? Knowledge of His Word? Social justice? Evangelism? Missions? Community? Fellowship?
I agree with the view that discipleship must be holistic.
(adapted from sermon by Edmund Chan) :
Foundational Purpose of the church is to glorify God. Matt 6:33 Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.
-our foundational purpose is rooted in a living, transforming relationship with Him.
therefore steadfast Priority is to make disciples.
- Matt 28:18-20
Disciplemaking is God's strategy to win the World for Him.
Therefore we must have a personal Passion that grows us. 1 Cor 9:24
Run in such a way that you may win!
Passion is not what you believe in, it's about acting upon what you believe in, it's seen in your sacrifice!
the same question, what then is needed for us as a modern day 21st century Church?
i think it's authentic discipleship, intentional disciplemaking.
on a personal level then, what do i need?
1. A fresh vision of who God is.
2. A fresh passion for God
3. Fresh revelation from God.