Sunday, June 20, 2010
sundays really pass by so fast. in the process, there are so many things running through my mind. who do i need to meet. what i need to do. need to settle this settle that. and there's always the thought of work/sch tmr. i get flustered u know. i actually do. as a result i might offend people without knowing, forgot to say hi to certain people, forgot to do certain things. JYM moves so fast, worship sermon announcements cell group discussion. Do you sometimes feel cell group discussion just goes by like that. you ask the questions, they give the standard answers. you pray the standard prayers. In the midst of this flurry of events, what i long for is true heartfelt devotion to God. true heartfelt worship to God. true heartfelt response to His word. true heartfelt prayers unto Him. and true heartfelt love to one another. it's so easy to do church. i don't want that. may God help us..... may he be so real amongst us.