My son, if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
Prov 2: 1-5
"The quest for wisdom requires a concerted effort, patient application and dogged perseverance shown by miners as they tunnel under the earth to extract silver ore and other precious metals (see Job 28:1-11). Neither silver ore nor wisdom is got in a day, or got without industry; but for miner and student alike, the prize is worth the toil. Fools have no discipline or patience to learn wisdom. He thinks he can shop around for wisdom, and expects to pick it up pre-packaged and neatly wrapped – a bit like thinking that listening to the Sunday sermon is all it takes. Unfortunately, very much of today’s Christian spirituality is “MacDonald spirituality”, “instant spirituality”, “three-in-one spirituality”, and a spirituality that can be cooked in the spiritual microwave oven in just a few minutes. Many Christians today are looking for this kind of spirituality.
Obtaining spiritual wisdom isn't a once-a-week hobby; it is the daily discipline of a lifetime. But in this age of microwave ovens, fast foods, digests, and numerous “made easy” books, many people are out of the habit of daily investing time and energy in digging deep into Scripture and learning wisdom from the Lord." - CEFC's proverbs devotional.
How can we have a fresh fear of the Lord? It is to dig deep into His word, not a superficial glancing, but a deep meditation and study on what God is saying in His Word.. It is so easy to say but so hard to apply! i think that Prayer and the Word is the fundamental starting point we all need to go back to. To deliberately and intentionally make time for prayer and a dogged study of His Word.. We need to go back to basics over and over again, that is the key to revival i think..