Saturday, October 30, 2010

"This is my dilemma:

I am dust and ashes, frail and wayward,

a set of predetermined behavioural responses,

riddled with fears, beset with needs,

the quintessence of dust,

and unto dust I shall return.

But there is something else in me.

Dust I may well be,

but troubled dust, dust that dreams,

dust that has strange premonitions

of transfiguration,

of a glory in store,

a destiny prepared,

an inheritance that will one day be my own.

So my life is stretched out

in a painful dialectic between ashes and glory,

between weakness and transfiguration.

I’m a riddle unto myself,

an exasperating enigma,

this strange duality of dust and glory."
- Richard Holloway

Came across this during connect cell and went to find out who wrote it. strangely, this person has left the church and taken on and atheist worldview.. But, John Stott likes the way he describes the human condition, or humanity, and i like it too.. we are an exasperating enigma. haha.