Saturday, May 22, 2010

i tried to change my blog picture but ai ya in the end can't decide what pic so dun care la.
I'm into the last hour of my elective here!!
but ok la i am on holiday anyway. yesterday, i was driving back home from the laundry place, then i got a bit absent minded, was day dreaming while driving, and i forgot that i've to drive on the right side of the road, and i was on the left side! and i remembered i was thinking to myself wow this road is narrow eh. so i just continued driving and i was actually driving against traffic can u imagine. But the road was like narrow and there was no road divider. then as i was driving i suddenly saw a car coming towards me.. ON MY LANE. then i was like WHAT THE then i just hurry up swerve to the next lane. then i was like wa lao eh i could have like gotten into a major accident if i continued day dreaming la. but ok granted i saw the car from quite far away but still.. haha. scary.

anywayyyzz. so today is my last day. tmr i'm just hanging around here somemore, i'm hoping to go to the trails one more time, visit the base of the mountain here. doing my last laundry. pack everything. and come sunday morning, i will drive 3 hours to the city of billings return the car, call a cab, get to the airport, and fly to VANCOUVER BC YEAHH. Sounds good sounds good. Only major potential problem is snow snow snow. To end off my trip, it is forecasted to snow tmr and sunday. So how nice, i will be driving in the snow with a 2 wheel drive. let's just hope 1. there's no snow, 2. if there's snow, then it will be little and won't affect my driving. Haha yeah it just wouldn't be right if the start and end of my trip wasn't covered with snow eh. Anyway really thank God for seeing me thru. When it was 4th, 5th May, today or the day i leave Montana seemed like so so so so so far away..... crazy far away. now it's here. yes. . K let the fun times begin and i look forward to fun and great times in vancouver sfo nyc yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Go Philly Flyers! (did i tell u i have been following the NHL haha)