Friday, May 14, 2010

i did quite an american thing yesterday.
I went to this burger/bar place called the corral.
I had a buffalo burger, and a beer something blue ribbon. PBR. and caught the ice hockey game between philly and boston. haha and i was sitting at the bar la. My american friend brought me there. And i think all the people around me thought i was american cos i said i'm neutral i dun watch hockey. then the guy said well what do u watch, baseball? i said no i watch soccer. so he was like ohh are you all set for the world cup? then i was like yeahh USA is in right. then he was like yeah we should be alright. haha. ok that doesn't show why they probably think i'm american but just take my word for it.

i'm getting a little lazier of blogging now. maybe because my days are slowly but surely getting more interesting. haha. like tmr i'm gonna catch the game 7 of philly vs boston at my american friend's house. then saturday we're going yellowstone. and at night i might be going for a bbq at someone's house. then sunday, then monday then tues then wed then thurs then fri then sat then VANCOUVER BC.