10th May 2010
If you’re wondering why I’m like blogging everyday, it’s cos I just wanna journal down my trip here. Also given that I’m so free now.. it’s good to journal. Maybe when I go to san fran I will journal less. But ya this journal is more for me to record down rather than for you to read ok so if you’re bored don’t blame me. I didn’t read one of Paul’s letters cos I gave myself an excuse that I need a commentary to do an indepth study. Like I wanted to read 1 Thessalonians but then I was like I don’t even know who the Thessalonians are and so I’m like ahh nvm like go back Singapore then read. Haha so I proceeded on to read the OT part. And I realized I’ve been reading the OT wrongly sometimes. Ahh but ya my aim here is not to repeat what I’ve read, but it’s that, we all seriously need to study how to read our bible. If not we end up making all sorts of wrong interpretations, and our use of the bible becomes inconsistent, flimsy, and it can end up with wrong teachings.
So it’s the new week now. I’m trying to feel positive. Because I’m like midway now u know, it seems to be harder midway. But yes I’m looking forward to the end of Montana. Haha. But I’m also looking forward to eating buffalo meat on Thursday, and visiting Yellowstone National Park on the weekend. Ok so I shall look forward to that. 1 more week to Yellowstone! I’ve been dreaming a lot about back home. Last night I dreamt about church camp. Haha. And Jeremy was involved in my dream.. He was playing guitar on stage and then he sort of got like filled with the Holy Spirit and then he ran down to get his bible, and then ran up to the stage and like said the reference Psalm 50:57, or Psalm 57:50. So in my dream I was like ok remember this reference. But then afterwards I was like wait a minute there’s no such reference. Haha. Oh well, my unsanctified dreams. But ahhh I really am looking forward to church camp. Just being with everyone, worshiping God, listening to His Word.. It will be great. I hope something great happens there and God works in our hearts. Our church really needs that.
Ooh I just saw a rabbit outside my house. Haha cute. I am born in the year of the rabbit. Which reminds me, the sun is shining outside! For like the 4th day in a row! I guess summer is really here now. Which is good. One more time I see snow coming down I’m really gonna call the police I tell you.