Monday, February 14, 2011

I was reading the Straits Times, and read an article about this old man, 81 years old, who married this lady, 70 years old, when they met at the AWWA shelter, something like an old folks shelter.. They hold hands when they cross the road, and they go grocery shopping together and even fool around like putting plastic bags over their heads. Just this year, they celebrated their one year wedding anniversary by going to KFC. They say they only go there on special occasions. i was like wow... They get so much joy from going to KFC.. for an anniversary dinner.. i reflected on it and i think when your life is simple, when you don't have much, you find joy from simple things. ok perhaps not everyone, but somehow, little things in life are joyful.. When you are rich, paradoxically, it seems to make things more complicated, and it becomes harder to find joy in the simple things in life. perhaps, the rich are really not that much happier than the poor, and perhaps the poor are even better off living a simple life and enjoying the simple things in life.

there's much else to say, but perhaps one of the most ignored lesson in the world is, why do the rich have so much problems and why are so many rich people so unhappy. Did they not all think in their strive towards wealth that money was gonna make them happy, yet so many people reach there and find an even bigger void in their lives. I hope that no matter whether i become rich or poor, i will be rich in the Kingdom of God. I will not get awestruck by $$, but learn stewardship, and recognise that i'm a pilgrim on a journey. I hope i serve God and not money. Maybe being rich isn't that great an idea cos it's so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God because it becomes harder to give up everything for God. So ok maybe if i become rich i hope i learn stewardship and learn to give it all away for God's kingdom.

On a side note, it's funny how a poor old couple abandoned by their family, living in an elderly shelter, can become the envy (I'm sure) of many people.. Life is really funny. I hope i will learn to enjoy the simple things in life too.

On a side note from the side note, this is a post from Covenant's Women Ministry. I believe it works for both guys and girls:

How can you discern if this guy/girl is God's will for you? This is the million dollar question that many singles are asking. May I humbly suggest 4 essential indicators:

1. Similar spiritual quest, focus and mission in life
2. Mutual attraction and chemistry
3. Possessing a lasting quality of true character and faithful loyalty towards each other
4. Mentally stimulating and challenging

So ladies, it's not just a guy who buys you a nice diamond ring(or a handcrafted ring) or brings you on a nice romantic date.. It's so much more than that..